Diagnose Sinusitis no with Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the sinuses (maxillary, ethmoidal, frontal, and sphenoidal sinuses). Its origin is almost always an inflammatory focus on the nose so it is commonly referred to as rhinosinusitis. According to the top Sinus Doctor, Sinusitis can be acute when the evolution time is less than three weeks; subacute, when symptoms persist for three weeks to three months; chronic, when the duration of the disease is longer than three months.

Common Treatment

Are you worried about the treatment, then worry no more just connect with Dr. Kerner today? He is one of the best Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles.

He commonly uses sinuplastia balls for treatment. This technique can be applied both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia in consultation, allowing the opening and cleaning of the paranasal breasts in a minimally invasive way and with excellent results.

What causes Sinusitis?

Let see, the most common cause of inflammation of the sinuses and nostrils by the best Sinus Doctor. The first reason is the common cold, usually due to a viral infection.

Acute bacterial sinusitis is usually preceded by an upper respiratory cold or an allergic process or any type of environmental irritation (fumes, gases, vapors...).

Under normal conditions, mucus that occurs and accumulates in the sinuses drains into the nostril, but when a cold or allergic process occurs, the mucosa of the sinuses becomes inflamed and prevents mucus from draining. This leads to congestion and infection.

The most common responsible germs are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophylus influenzae. Unlike an upper respiratory cold or allergic process, bacterial sinusitis requires accurate diagnosis and antibiotic treatment to get healing and prevent possible complications.

Symptoms of sinusitis by top Sinus Doctors

Symptoms are a very crucial point that you must know. Because this helps you to recognize the disease earlier so that you can go for the treatment in the early stage, So let's see some symptoms by the best Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles.

In the acute form of sinusitis, there is facial pain, pressure, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea (abundant flow of nasal mucus), decreased sense of smell, and cough. Fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, and dental pain may also occur.

In chronic sinusitis, there may be facial pain, facial pressure sensation, nasosinusal congestion, nasal obstruction, thick rhinorrhea, posterior rhinorrhea, and the presence of pus in the nasal cavity. Sometimes you may also develop a fever and can lead to headache, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Symptoms may persist for twelve weeks or more.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Facial pain.

  • Nasal obstruction.

  • Rhinorrhea (nasal mucus).

  • Postnasal drip.

  • Decreased sense of smell.

  • Headaches.

Sinusitis diagnose process by Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles

Diagnosis of sinusitis is essentially made with data obtained after a medical history and careful clinical examination.

A complete study of the nasal area and sinuses is desirable, with anatomical vision (direct vision), physiological (study of nasal flows), and radiological (simple radiology and CT).

The nasal pit scan may be done by anterior rhinoscopy or endoscopy with flexible or rigid optics.

According to Dr. Kerner the top Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles, In many cases, radiographic examination and culture of nasal discharge are necessary to specify the extent of the disease and the cause of sinusitis.

Or you can go for sinuplastia balls or Balloon Sinuplasty. 

"Treatment should always be subject to prescription and medical control. It should be indicated by the severity of the symptoms and whether or not there are complications."

Now connect with Dr. Kerner the top Sinus Doctor in Los Angeles and get the most advanced treatment process to cure your Sinusitis.


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