Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic nose surgery that has the function of recreating Harmony and the appropriate proportions between the portions of the nose (both bone and cartilage) and the other aesthetic units of the face. To achieve this, a careful assessment of the face and plans composed of forehead and mouth-chin is essential. Find the best nose surgeon now. Visit Dr. Kerner, the top Nose Surgeon in Los Angeles.

Benefits of Nose Surgery by top Nose Surgeon in Los Angeles

There are so many benefits of nose surgery. Here is the complete explanation about the benefits of nose surgery by the nose surgeon

Nose Surgery allows you to increase or decrease the size of the nose (too small, too large, or too wide), change the shape of the back and the tip (too wide, too narrow or too long), change the width of the nostrils and change the angle between the forehead and nose or between the nose and upper lip.

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According to Dr. Kerner the top Nose Surgeon, the intervention of Rhinoplasty or nose surgery, whose history dates back to 2000, can correct post-traumatic or birth defects and respiratory problems. If the breathing difficulties are caused by the deviation of the nasal septum it is necessary to proceed simultaneously with a "septoplasty" intervention in order to shape and reposition the diverted nasal septum.

This procedure nowadays is almost no longer carried out under general anesthesia, as similar benefits are obtained with local anesthesia accompanied by sedation, thus being able to return home already after a few hours from rhinoplasty.

The timing of the intervention varies according to the expected operating design but can fluctuate between half an hour and an hour and a half.

Types of Nose Surgery by top Nose Surgeon in Los Angeles 

RHINOPLASTY OR COSMETIC NOSE SURGERY can be divided into the following types. 


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According to Dr. Kerner Rhinoplasty is a personalized intervention, as such, needs an accurate specialist visit. During the first visit, here as the top nose surgeon first evaluates the bone and muscle structure of your face and nose, the quality of the skin, the presence of any aesthetic and functional defects, and explains the objectives with the aesthetic results that can be achieved.

As a Balloon Sinuplasty Surgeon Los Angeles, they also have to evaluate your health conditions to exclude the presence of alterations (high blood pressure, clotting, or healing problems) that could affect the final result of the surgery. At the end of the visit the surgeon, in agreement with you, will choose the most suitable surgical procedure.

Things you must take care of before surgery by Dr. Kerner 

  • Inform the nose surgeon at Calwestent of any possible treatment with drugs.

  • 2 weeks before: discontinue taking medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid or Vitamin E.

  • Eliminate smoking at least one week before surgery.

  • Immediately report the onset of colds, sore throat, cough, skin diseases.

  • Practice an accurate full cleaning bath; wash the hair; remove the enamel of the nails of the hands and feet.

  • Do not take food from midnight, you can take light liquids (tea, water) up to 6 hours before the surgery

  • At the end of the visit the nose surgeon at Calwestent, in agreement with you, will choose the shape of the nose most suitable for the physiognomy and aesthetics of your face. Prior to surgery, guests will receive specific instructions on pre-and post-operative nutrition and taking medication, alcohol, and cigarettes.

  • On rhinoplasty day, even if it is an intervention carried out on the day, without hospitalization, you must be accompanied by someone and not drive absolutely after the surgery.

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The result of Nose Surgery you do at Calwestent is very good and durable and can be said to be almost permanent as it will always be conditioned by your lifestyle and inevitable effects. 

So connect with Dr. Kerner, the top Nose Surgeon in Los Angeles now!


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