Give a perfect shape to your nose with best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles

Rhinoplasty it is a plastic surgery procedure by which the shape of the nose is modified: change the size, the shape of the tip, the thickness of the nostrils, the curvature of the septum, the angle between the nose and the upper lip, etc. However, according to the best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles, it is not always the rhinoplasty that responds to a strictly aesthetic question with which a person wants to improve his appearance, but may be necessary for the event of nose malformations, either congenital or due to trauma, that makes breathing difficult (e.g. deviation of the nasal septum).

Things you must aware of Rhinoplasty Treatment

Rhinoplasty should be performed by an experienced Rhinoplasty surgeon, who must advise the patient on the results of the intervention according to the objectives of the intervention and its aesthetic criteria, in order to define the final shape that the nose will have. 

In the case of adolescents, it is not advisable by best Rhinoplasty surgeons to perform this intervention before the age of 16 and it will have to be ensured that it is not a decision taken unilaterally by the parents.

Rhinoplasty Treatment Process

Performing a rhinoplasty it is usually one to two hours, depending on the complexity of each intervention. It requires hospital admission and is performed in an operating room, under local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia. 

The rhinoplasty operation begins by separating the skin from the nose of the bone and cartilage that supports it and then sculpted according to the characteristics of the morphology to be obtained. The skin is then redistributed and sutured.

Normally, according to the best Rhinoplasty surgeon the intervention is done by making small incisions inside the nostrils, although sometimes an open surgery concept may be necessary by accessing from the columella.

At the end of the rhinoplasty, a plaster is placed over the nose and both nostrils are plugged with cotton to prevent bleeding and stabilize the nasal septum (they will be removed one or two days later. The patient will be discharged the day after the intervention. 

After Rhinoplasty Treatment Process

Let's see some after effect by DR. Kerner, the best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles, In the first two or three days, the inflammation and bruising produced by the operation will peak and affect the eye environment, to disappear after about two weeks. Mild nose bleeding is normal in the first few days. The plaster will be removed after one week or a maximum of two.

The patient may recur normality in their daily activity after two days and return to work within one week after the rhinoplasty. However, certain precautions should be maintained, such as avoiding intense physical exercise for three weeks, minimizing the risk of blows, not sunbathing for two months, and, of course, following all the surgeon's instructions given by the Rhinoplasty surgeon in successive follow-ups appointments.

The complications of rhinoplasty are rare and of little importance, as long as the intervention is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Sometimes small red dots may appear on the skin as a result of the rupture of some small vessels and they will not disappear over time. In approximately one in ten cases, a surgical check is necessary to correct any defects.

With the help of the latest technology, Rhinoplasty surgery is easy and quite less risky. If you are all set for this surgery in Los Angeles then contact DR. Kerner is the best ENT Surgeon. Know all the advanced methods for Rhinoplasty and get the look you are wishing for. Contact Now!


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