Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon in Los Angeles

Calwestent offers an extensive range of ENT services, including adult and child ENT specialist treatments. Ear nose throat (ENT) has important functions, such as hearing, smelling, speaking, as well as swallowing food and drink. When there are disorders related to these three parts, it is recommended to see an ENT specialist. Here at Calwestent you will find the top Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon in Los Angeles. They aim to take care of these parts in a very advanced medical way. Let's see the facilities available here.

  • Dietetics

  • Operating room

  • Radiology

  • Rehabilitation

  • Intensive care unit

  • Laboratory

Various Diseases Treated by ENT Specialists

ENT specialists have in-depth knowledge of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases related to the ear, nose, and throat. Ear Nose and Throat Surgeons can treat patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly.

Diseases treated by Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon in Los Angeles include:

  • Ear disorders These conditions include hearing loss, impaired balance, ringing ears, infections, tumors or cancer in the ear.

  • Nasal disorders These conditions include allergies, sinusitis, difficulty smelling a scent, nasal injury, nasal congestion, as well as tumors or cancers in the nose.

  • Throat disorders These conditions include difficulty swallowing, impaired sound, disorders of the adenoid glands, laryngitis, or tonsillitis.

  • Sleep disorders These conditions include obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, and other sleep disorders caused by narrowing of the respiratory tract.

  • Disorders in the neck and head These conditions include problems in the skull bone, oral cavity, salivary glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, or some disorders in the skin of the face.

However, not all abnormalities in the neck and head area can be treated by an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon. There are a number of diseases that need to be treated by other specialists. For example, problems in the brain will be treated by a neurologist, or the disorder in the eye will be treated by an ophthalmologist.

Actions Performed by ENT Specialists

The following actions can be performed by an ENT specialist as a follow-up examination or treatment:

  • Audiometry

Audiometry checks are performed to assess hearing ability. This test can help detect deafness.

  • Oesophagoscopy

In this procedure, the doctor will insert a flexible hose with the end of the camera into the mouth, then direct it to the esophagus to assess the disorders of the throat, such as difficulty swallowing conditions.

  • Sinus surgery with endoscopy

In this procedure, the doctor will insert a small binocular hose into the nasal passages to diagnose and treat the sinuses.

  • Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is performed to cut and remove the tonsils from the inside of the throat. This surgery is usually performed on pediatric patients.

  • Septoplasty

The operation aims to improve the position of the nasal septum and open the blockages that inhibit the respiratory tract.

  • Tracheostomy

The main purpose of the tracheostomy procedure is to smooth the blocked respiratory tract, with the installation of a relief airway in the trachea.

  • Tympanomastoidectomy

This operation aims to reconstruct and eliminate the inclusion of epithelium (cholesteatoma) located in the middle ear. The doctor will remove abnormal or damaged tissue due to infection of the mastoid bone area behind the ear. Then the ENT doctor will also repair the eardrum, as well as the hearing bones.

  • Tumor surgery

In the neck, ENT specialists are also tasked with performing surgery to remove lumps or tumors located in the neck and head area.

When to Check With an ENT Specialist?

According to an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon in Los Angeles, not all disorders that occur in the ear, nose, and throat should be treated directly by an ENT specialist. Generally, new patients are treated by Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon after receiving a referral from a general practitioner, because the condition is quite serious or requires further treatment, such as surgery.

To prevent serious impacts, it is recommended to contact your doctor immediately if you experience complaints in the ears, nose, and throat. Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Nasal congestion.

  • The smell is disturbed.

  • Ears buzzing.

  • Hearing-impaired.

  • Difficulty swallowing.

  • Sleep snoring until often

If you feel any of the above symptoms then visit Calwestent and find the top Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon in Los Angeles.


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