5 Signs That Prove You Have Sinusitis

 Patients suffering from sinus infections know only the level of pain and irritation caused due to the issue. Sinus infection commonly known as sinusitis affects a huge 31 million people in the US alone every year. The demand for sinusitis doctor in Los Angeles is quite high. 

The problem occurs when the tissue in the sinus passage gets either inflamed or swollen, or both. The filling of the sinus with fluid and mucus is responsible for the infections. Most sinus infections go away automatically but they are contagious in nature. Some are caused by bacteria and some by fungi. 

Regardless of the cause, it is tough to differentiate sinus infections from other conditions, including a flu, cold, or an allergy. For this, you must recognize and be aware of the common signs of sinusitis. 

5 Signs of Sinus Infections 

1. Pressure 

If you are experiencing painful pressure around your nose, it might be the result of sinus infection. This pressure gets exerted when the fluid is trapped within the sinus cavities. Passage of the sinus should be packed with air in its healthy state. The fluid would result in deep pressure and pain. 

Further, the pain area is not limited to just around your nose. You may get it in your forehead, cheeks, or even around the eyes as the sinuses are present in these areas. When you bend your head down, the pain becomes worse. You cannot even sneeze but you want it. 

You need to keep in mind that this pressure is less likely to be extremely painful. It could manifest as tenderness or sensitivity. Still the pressure is a potential symptom of sinusitis. 

Also Read - Sinus Infection While Breastfeeding

2. Congestion 

Sinusitis is generally just fluids choking the sinus passageways. It can result in mucus congestion. When your nose is stuffy and you need to blow your nose, it might be sinusitis, specifically if the stuffiness does not seem to go away. 

Phlegm changes color. Mucus mostly seems white; however, phlegm that one coughs out during a sinus infection time might be greenish or yellowish. Your nose mucus may also be brighter than usual. 

The congestion can lead to losing your sense capabilities. That can further affect your appetite too. The top Sinus doctors of the city consider it as a potential symptom of sinus infection. 

3. Headache 

Headache is one of the known sinusitis symptoms. Sometimes the pain passes to different body parts of the victim. The headaches are caused due to the filled sinus canals that are congested and create pressure all over the sinuses, which include the upper portion of the head. 

Many people see headaches like migraines or chronic headaches. Most kinds of headaches are caused by easily treatable problems such as 

  • Dehydration

  • Tiredness

  • Lack of sleep

  • Strained eyesight 

In many cases the headaches do not continue for a long period of time. If you are suffering from chronic headaches that continue for days, make sure it is a symptom of a bad sinus infection, the sinusitis expert says. 

4. Toothache 

Toothaches are really uncomfortable. People normally experiencing the problems do not attribute them to sinus infections. Remember toothache is the kind of overlooked sinusitis symptom. When you feel pain around the maxillary area, mostly around your cheek, you should not blindly take it as gum disease or a cavity. 

It happens because the upper roots of your teeth extend far upwards, close enough to the sinus, and can get affected by their filling. Consequently your gums would hurt, which can lead to toothaches. 

5. Sickness 

When you have sinusitis, you might feel unwell. Congestion and mucus building could burden you with a lot of coughing. You might have an itchy sore throat and fever as well. You could even be fatigued, chilly, or have painful muscles. Then think about sinusitis. They all point fingers to sinus infections. 

When the sickness is summed up with other sinusitis signs, you should not take them lightly. You must visit the best sinusitis doctor near you. He/she could suggest you medications upon administering several tests on you. 

Final Thoughts

In the beginning sinus infection is considered as just a cold. For this, many people do not take proper care which makes the issue more severe. Thus match your issues with the 5 signs of sinusitis mentioned above and reach a conclusion.


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