
Showing posts from November, 2021

5 Signs That Prove You Have Sinusitis

  Patients suffering from sinus infections know only the level of pain and irritation caused due to the issue. Sinus infection commonly known as sinusitis affects a huge 31 million people in the US alone every year. The demand for sinusitis doctor in Los Angeles is quite high.  The problem occurs when the tissue in the sinus passage gets either inflamed or swollen, or both. The filling of the sinus with fluid and mucus is responsible for the infections. Most sinus infections go away automatically but they are contagious in nature. Some are caused by bacteria and some by fungi.  Regardless of the cause, it is tough to differentiate sinus infections from other conditions, including a flu, cold, or an allergy. For this, you must recognize and be aware of the common signs of sinusitis.  5 Signs of Sinus Infections  1. Pressure  If you are experiencing painful pressure around your nose, it might be the result of sinus infection. This pressure gets exerted when...